
We all suffer hardships.
Yesterday, teaching Sunday school
from Jesus feeding the 5K+,
the most amazing feast
John 6:12 leapt off the page:
“Gather the pieces that are left over.
Let nothing be wasted.”
My mind went to the movie
Home Alone.
Do you remember when the kid, Kevin, 
had gone grocery shopping?
On his way home,
his grocery bags burst and
everything he had lay strewn on the ground.

Regardless of the apparent mess 

He gathered the pieces that were left over.
Nothing was wasted.
The pieces helped nourish him, protect him, and save his family.
When we are feeling broken
When we are scattered on the ground
Jesus says, “Gather the pieces that are left over.
Let nothing be wasted.”
He takes our pieces, and through Him,
We are nourished, protected, and enabled to minister to others.

4 thoughts on “Gathering

  1. When I feel overwhelmed by the evil in the world, and the fact that I can do so little, I try to remember this –

    God will save the good forever, and the bad will dry up and blow away in eternity's winds.

    That helps.


  2. Shelli, you hit spiritual gold with this: ” When we are feeling broken
    When we are scattered on the ground Jesus says, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” How very beautiful. Thank you for your beautiful words today, my Friend.


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